This is Our Story
The Wild Bearing's mission is to both educate and provide everyday people with essential tools to get out and experience the outdoors. Proper tools encompasses more than just outdoor gear but also physical readiness and mentality. Whether you are trying to get into outdoor activities for the first time or are very experienced in the outdoors we have countless products and services to offer you. The Wild Bearing is here to help you build your outdoor itinerary. Are you looking to connect, communicate and share your experiences and knowledge with others? If so, you have found the right place. Welcome to The Wild Bearing Community!
The Wild Bearing
“Sometimes you may find there is no path to the journey you are on. It is in these moments you must decide if you will make your own or be overcome by fear.”
What Makes Us Special
Check out our apparel and outdoor products! And keep an eye out for our new Wild Bearing Whiskey!
Hidden Gem Destinations
Give our blogs a read that give you ideas of hidden Gem destinations around the world. If you find one you want to go to purchase a detailed load out and travel plan for that adventure.
Groups and Forums
Join our groups and forums of all kinds of outdoor topics. Connect, communicate and share your experiences and knowledge of the outdoors with others.
Check out our everything outdoors Wild Bearing podcast or our Hobbies podcast Master of None
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TWB Testimonial #1
“Send us a testimonial on how The Wild Bearing has positively impacted you.”
TWB Testimonial #2
“Send us a testimonial on how The Wild Bearing has positively impacted you.”
TWB Testimonial #3
“The direction or way in which one conducts or carries oneself, to include posture and gestures:”
A person of wild bearing